Bitches with money always get their way!

I have to be a damn money from a tree to feel offended by this bullshit! They let Ms. Valtrax out of jail after only serving a 3 day sentence! How in the fuck is that humanly possible!? I just don't understand,; why in the hell does she get to get out after only serving a 3 day sentence, but the person that steals a soda out of Wal-Mart will get a full year of probation? This is repulsive, and fucking hypocritical of the justice system to let this bitch slide like a snake to her den! This silly ass hoe is not going to learn any value from just being in jail for 3 days! She need to do her damn time like every other american in this sorry ass country! This make me want to go to the superme court an slap that shit out of the highest Judges! This motherfucker done pissed me clean off, stank ass bitch!
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